Vice President of Section Affairs - Katharine Weathers

Headshot for Katharine WeathersKatharine Weathers joined NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information in 2021 as an Uncrewed Systems Data Coordinator. Use of uncrewed systems is growing exponentially, along with the data they collect. With proper data management, these data can be interoperable now and reusable in the future - answering today's questions and predicting tomorrow's challenges. 

Katharine had previously worked with NCEI as a contractor for General Dynamics Information Technology, as well as at the Cooperative Institute, Northern Gulf Institute of Mississippi State University in various capacities. She received her master's degree at the University of Southern Mississippi in Physical Oceanography after graduating from the University of Miami with a Bachelor of Science in Marine Science and Biology. She has worked as a contractor with Peraton, previously Perspecta, supporting the Naval Oceanographic Office with her expertise in remote sensing. Katharine has been an active participant of the Marine Technology Society since 2012 and is the current Vice President of Early Career Ocean Professionals. 

Indicate one or two key goals that you hope to accomplish in this position over the next 3 years:
The lifeblood of any global society lies with its members and chapters. MTS is no different, relying on Sections to fulfill the needs specific to a local community. As VP of Sections, it is necessary to understand that not all locations have the same needs or resources and work with those Sections accordingly. My goal as VP of Sections is to ensure that new and existing Sections' needs are being met and receiving the resources they need to thrive. I want to help Sections foster an engaging and exciting atmosphere for our volunteers' continuous support of their communities. 

Discuss the qualities and experience you possess that make you a strong candidate for the position for which you are running:
I have been a longstanding member of the Marine Technology Society, progressing from a student chapter Chair to Secretary, Vice Chair, and Chair of the Gulf Coast Section to Vice President of Early Career Ocean Professionals on the Board of Directors. In addition, I have served as Deputy co-Chair for the Local Organizing Committee of the MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2020 and 2023 Conferences. I have helped organize the Oceans in Action Workshop for ten years and am currently the Technical Program Lead for Oceans in Action 2025. MTS has helped me develop leadership skills, as I have coordinated complex management and technical activities that included many industry, academic, non-profit, and government agencies. I have also garnered budget experience as well as mentorship opportunities, both as a mentor and mentee. 

These experiences have given me ideas to share with other Sections to support their success. These include utilizing webinars and hybrid meetings for Sections instead of in-person. Coming from a spatially diverse Section, this transition helped us stay connected and grow. Joint events and partnerships, such as Oceans in Action, expanding student scholarship opportunities targeting Parent and Student Section relationships, leveraging MATE engagement at the Section and Regional level, and sharing resources and templates are all scalable avenues we can address at the Board level and execute at the local Section level. Through these actions we create tangible value adds that grow membership engagement and our impact within the maritime community. 

Learn more about Katharine Weathers on LinkedIn