MTS Welcomes New Gold Member - Sea-Bird Scientific

Tell us about your company. When were you founded? What type of work to do you do and why is it important to marine technologists?

Sea-Bird Scientific was founded over 45 years ago to partner with ocean scientists on solutions to accelerate the understanding of natural waters. For decades, customers have trusted Sea-Bird Scientific to help them generate accurate, defensible and usable data. At Sea-Bird Scientific’s foundation is a diverse Science Team that encompasses oceanography, metrology, chemistry, engineering, and more. Our staff has decades of experience, publishing regularly in peer-reviewed scientific journals. We stand behind Sea-Bird reliability and accuracy — because we create instruments that we regularly use in our own fieldwork. 

What are the latest technology advancements that you would like to highlight?
Sea-Bird Scientific has a long history developing instruments that provide both physical and optical measurements. While physical oceanography remains core to what Sea-Bird does, the increased emphasis on biogeochemical parameters continues to offer exciting opportunities to expand our product portfolio and focus. We are especially proud of our partnership with Argo, with Sea-Bird Scientific floats and sensors being instrumental to the Core Argo, Deep Argo and BGC-Argo programs. Sea-Bird Scientific exists to help scientists know the world — and shape policy that changes it for the better. We enable good science, providing tools that will go into the most punishing ocean conditions and come back with data that is meticulously accurate. As we continue to innovate and develop new technologies, the needs of the scientist and their work will always drive what comes next.

What prompted you to join MTS? What value does MTS bring your company and the marine technology industry?
MTS offers a unique opportunity to connect with ocean scientists, key programs and other industry leaders throughout the world. In addition to access to the latest updates and information in the field, engaging with the scientific community helps Sea-Bird Scientific be better at providing the solutions that are needed to move ocean science forward.

What are you looking forward to participating in as a new MTS member?
Two areas that we are most looking forward to taking part in are the Section and Committee opportunities. Being based in the Pacific Northwest, we always look for new ways to engage with the local ocean science community and MTS is a great avenue for that. In addition, with the varied expertise and interests throughout Sea-Bird Scientific, we look forward participating in some of the Professional Committees to further partner with our customers and stay on the leading edge of the technology and field.

How can other MTS members best get in touch with you?

To reach out directly, you can always visit us at From there you can get in touch with our best-in-class service, support, and sales teams. We also encourage you to connect and engage with us across social media.

What do you want to share with other MTS members about your company?​

Sea-Bird Scientific is more than a product vendor. We are a functioning partner for every customer. We see our customer relationships as ongoing collaborations. We are co-practitioners, designing and improving our products in response to the scientific community’s needs. And we commit to listening to our customers, big and small, and acting on what we hear.

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