A successful conference can be measured in the impact it had on its participants not only during the event, but in the industry advancement and connections sustained long after the final networking session took place. OCEANS 2021 San Diego-Porto has gone the distance and a month after the conference closed, its contributions to marine technology are making waves!
During OCEANS 2021 San Diego-Porto, MTS held a town hall, Connected Oceans with Bristlemouth: Bridging Public and Private Sector to Launch Open Standard, moderated by MTS Vice President of Publications & Communications, Liesl Hotaling and featuring panelists Mike Wardlaw, Office of Naval Research; John Waterston, US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA); Jason Thompson, Oceankind; and Tim Janssen, Sofar Ocean. At this event, attendees learned all about Sofar’s new Bristlemouth ocean sensing technology designed to make ocean data gathering easier and more productive. The technology’s potential uses include climate research, weather forecasting, and offshore renewable energy. We congratulate MTS Corporate member Sofar on this technology advancement. For more information read here: https://www.deeperblue.com/new-bristlemouth-ocean-exploration-hardware-standard-unveiled/
In addition to new technologies being introduced at OCEANS 2021 San Diego-Porto, new partnerships were also forged. MTS, the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (OES) and Schmidt Ocean Institute (SOI), announced a collaboration that will support student and early career marine technology professionals, women in marine science and technology, and other joint activities between the organizations, including the Student Poster Competition at OCEANS. Congratulations to first place poster winner Schuyler Nardelli, Rutgers University for her poster on developing a convolutional neural network to classify phytoplankton images collected with an Imaging FlowCytobot along the West Antarctic Peninsula. For more information on the partnership between MTS, OES, and SOI read here: https://www.oceannews.com/news/science-and-tech/marine-technology-society-the-ieee-oceanic-engineering-society-schmidt-ocean-institute-announce-new-partnership
We also honored our MTS Award recipients at the MTS State of Society and Awards event at OCEANS 2021. At this event, the 2021 MTS and Society for Underwater Technology Captain Don Walsh Award recipients were announced. The award has jointly been won by Commander Victor Vescovo, USN, Retired and Patrick Lahey for the 2019 Five Deeps Expedition and further dives of scientific or historical interest in subsequent years.
In 2015, Vescovo proposed a goal of finding and diving into the five deepest spots in the world’s ocean with dives taking place in the Atlantic, Southern, Indian, Pacific and Arctic oceans. Lahey and the team at Triton Submarines responded to Vescovo’s project by creating a revolution in deep submergence capabilities. Read more about the 2021 Walsh Award winners here: https://www.marinetechnologynews.com/news/winners-captain-walsh-award-614155
As the connections and camaraderie from San Diego continue, we look forward to what’s on the horizon February 21 – 24, 2022 as we journey to OCEANS 2022 Chennai. Registration opens October 30! Visit https://chennai22.oceansconference.org/ to register.
Welcome to Corporate Gold Member SeaBird, Corporate Silver Member DeRegt Cables, and Small Business Member AquaGoat. We look forward to continued synergy, collaboration, and advancement at our upcoming in-person, virtual, and hybrid events – including – MTS TechSurge: Florida Estuary and Coastal Monitoring - Looking Ahead to 2030, Oceans in Action/Port Security Summit, Engaging with the Blue Economy, and more! Visit the MTS event calendar to register to attend these events. Remember, we are here for YOU - our members. If you have an idea, question, or suggestion, please reach out to [email protected].
MTS Executive Director Katie Herndon, Ph.D.