President-Elect Candidate - Dr. Gerhard Kuska

Headshot for Gerhard KuskaDr. Gerhard Kuska is the Executive Director of MARACOOS (the Mid-Atlantic Regional Association Coastal Ocean Observing System), one of the eleven federally-certified IOOS regional associations of academic, research, government, private and non-profit organizations that power understanding and prediction of our ocean, coasts, and estuaries to save lives, protect livelihoods, and boost the economy. He is also Chair of the Board of the national ocean observing organization, the IOOS Association. 

Gerhard has served over the past 40 years in a variety of ocean, costal, and environmental positions in the US, Europe, and the Middle East, including with NOAA, the White House Council on Environmental Quality, the United States Senate, the US Commission on Ocean Policy, and with private industry in the sectors of international cargo transportation and logistics, and environmental services. He received his PhD in Marine Policy from the University of Delaware. He greatly values the Marine Technology Society and all of its members, and will soon be celebrating his 20th year engaging with MTS. 

Indicate one or two key goals that you hope to accomplish in this position over the next 3 years:
1) Strengthen and grow the partnership between MTS and IOOS ocean observing, particularly as IOOS expands its regional and national networks to recapitalize existing and apply new types of technologies and sensors through its $135 million in IRA and BIL funding; 

2) Support and enhance MTS's role in strengthening the Blue Economy through new partnerships an accelerated growth in ocean and coastal technology.

Discuss the qualities and experience you possess that make you a strong candidate for the position for which you are running:
My career/personal life have provided experiences across a range of sectors, geographies and cultures that have made me who I am today. I have worked in several areas related to environment, ocean, and technology. These occurred in industry/private sector, academia, the public/government sector, and the non-profit sector. I've lived and worked on both US coasts, in Europe, and the Middle East. I've worked comfortably and successfully with people from varying cultures in more than 60 nations on all continents. And I've witnessed organizational pros/cons at all levels in various companies/entities, starting in the port warehouse, customer service, sales, profit/loss responsibility, and several management positions at the global level. I have supported policy making in the legislative branch on both sides of the political aisle, and became proficient in public budgeting/spending. I've also worked in the executive branch, with several years in NOAA and the White House CEQ. I experience numerous successes in these positions, but learned more from the failures and need to respond and move ahead. 

I studied government and ocean policy making from academia, advising government at the state and federal level, as well as serving on the US Commission on Ocean Policy staff, drafting recommendations—many of which were implemented. I've applied lessons from the US to foreign allies and, in the process, learned more about myself. And through my involvement with the ocean observing field, I've supported and witnessed a tremendous positive shift and growth in collaboration and opportunity for our partners nationwide as we leverage our collective expertise and incorporate new technologies to serve communities across the country. I also have a wonderful family, with a tremendous wife and partner of more than 30 years, and two healthy, successful daughters.

These experiences have developed qualities in me that will support and serve me well as President Elect of the Marine Technology Society. They include:

  1. Knowledge/experience with marine technology: I've gained a broad base of knowledge and experience, beginning with my time working in ports, with shipping companies, as well as through my time in graduate school and my years in government, along with my 13 years as MARACOOS Exec. Director and as a PI or Co-PI in projects involving HF Radar, underwater gliders, moorings, and shore stations. As President-Elect, I will apply my knowledge, and look for opportunities to continue to learn;
  2. Integrity: I believe in professionalism and ethical behavior in all aspects of interpersonal relations. It is critical for trust building and long term relationships for us as leaders to clearly demonstrate the highest levels of integrity in our dealings as an organization and as members interacting with one another. I will carry this forward as President-Elect;
  3. Leadership skills, vision, and strategic thinking: I believe believe in guiding and inspiring colleagues and team members to be the best versions of themselves. This includes open and effective communication, clear and informed decision making, patience and understanding, and an ability to motivate others toward excellence. Identifying trends and options, sometimes outside of normal channels, is important to evolving strategies aimed at a long term vision. As President-Elect, I will support the MTS management team in their execution of MTS's strategic direction;
  4. Organizational and management skills: I place great value in strong management skills, including organization, budget discipline, attention to detail, strong and open communication, and follow-through. As President-Elect, I will encourage and support our team members toward excellence, and serve as a role model where possible;
  5. Networking and collaboration: I enjoy promoting/enabling collaboration. I greatly value connecting with partners and developing new collaborations as we strengthen existing ties. As President-Elect, I will initiate new collaborative opportunities and support others in their efforts; 
  6. Advocacy, public representation, stakeholder engagement: For the past 50 years I have engaged in public speaking and representation of things that I support. As President-Elect, I will use any platform given to me to passionately and convincingly represent MTS and its members, with appropriate respect for the culture or venue. And I will support our advocacy and engagement efforts to grow and strengthen the organization; and
  7. Support for education: I believe strongly in education at all levels. We need to continue to support STEM, as a foundation for workforce development efforts that should draw an equally strong emphasis. Whether we are focusing on K-12, undergrads or grad students, workforce development, or public education, as President-Elect, I will support our MTS initiatives. 

Learn more about Gerhard Kuska on LinkedIn