The diverse field of individual recipients - students, young professionals, career professionals, international programs - have distinguished themselves in their work, through technological accomplishment, volunteer service, and mentorship. In addition, MTS honored a company for its outstanding contribution to the advancement of marine technology. Our awardees work with unfailing commitment to tackle problems that impact our globally connected society in real and tangible. The awards were presented at the 2023 Annual Meeting and OCEANS 2023 Gulf Coast.
The MTS Special Commendation is presented to an individual or organization in recognition of outstanding accomplishments leading to significant advances in marine affairs and/or fulfilling the objectives and missions of the Marine Technology Society. Special MTS Commendation may include an outstanding individual, section, committee, and student section contributions to the Society.
Robert Heitsenrether: Robert has been a scientist with NOAA's Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services for the past 15 years. Currently, he manages the Ocean System Test and Evaluation Program (OSTEP). Robert has been a contributing member of the MTS Hampton Roads Section for the past 15 years. |
Dr. Swagata Sarkar: Dr. Sarkar secured All India first rank in Electronics and Communication from the Institution of Engineers, India. Dr. Sarkar currently heads the department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science of Sri Sairam Engineering College. She also helped to establish the MTS Student Section at Sri Sairam Engineering College in August 2022 and has since been encouraging students to engage in MTS activities. |
Designation as a Marine Technology Society Fellow is one of the highest accolades a member can achieve. Since 1975, this title has been awarded to MTS members who have made outstanding contributions to the advancement of the Society's objectives and who has distinguished accomplishments and experience in their professional fields.
S. Craig Cumbee: Mr. Cumbee has worked for the Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO) since 1980 while continuing his education in marine sciences. Craig was involved in the early development of trawl resistant bottom mounts for ADCP's. He is a Life Member of MTS and has served in every elected position at the local Section level over the years. |
Barbara Fletcher: Barbara served as an ocean engineer and project manager at the Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC) for 35 years, specializing in unmanned undersea vehicle applications. Barbara is the co-author of the US Navy's UUV Master Plan, providing the guidelines for the Navy's future use and development of unmanned undersea vehicles. She is active in a range of professional societies, including being the past chair of the MTS San Diego Section. |
Dr. Anthony Knap: Dr. Knap is the Director of the Geochemical and Environmental Research Group at Texas A&M University, Professor of Oceanography, Professor of Ocean Engineering, and the holder of the James Whatley Endowed Chair for Geosciences. In 1987, Knap and David Karl collaborated to develop the iconic Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series Study and the Hawaiian Time-Series. Both continue today with sustained funding from NSF. |
The Walter Munk Scholar Award is jointly sponsored by the Walter Munk Foundation for the Oceans (WMFO) and MTS. The award is presented to a scholar currently enrolled in an undergraduate, graduate, or postdoctoral program and recognized outstanding contributions in areas fostered by the sponsoring organizations. Established in 2019, the award honors Walter Munk's legacy of daring exploration and discovery through ocean scientific and technology research, ocean education, and ocean conservation.
Dr. Joshua Jones: Joshua Jones received a PhD in Oceanography in 2020 from the Scripps Institute of Oceanography. Josh has co-developed a research internship and technology training program called SeaTech, building mentorship between Alaska Native youth and UC undergraduates and graduate students. Josh is a career mariner, mooring technician, and a licensed Captain. |
The Compass Distinguished Achievement Award is presented to an individual who has sustained a career marked by achievements that have had significant impact on the fields of marine science and technology.
Dr. Kakani Katija: Dr. Kakani Katija is a Principal Engineering at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute and has a PhD in Bioengineering from the California Institute of Technology. As lead of the Bioinspiration Lab, Kakani and her group investigate ways that imaging can enable observations of life in the ocean. |
The Compass Organizational Excellence Award is presented to a company, government agency, program, or non-profit organization for outstanding contributions to the advancement of marine science and technology.
Huntsman Marine Science Centre: The Huntsman Marine Science Centre was established in 1969 as an ocean focused not-for-profit and charity located in St. Andrews, New Brunswich, Canada with a mission to deliver the highest quality marine education programs and collaborative research while encouraging sustainability of our ocean environment, resources, and economy. Huntsman Marine has educated more than 75,000 students of all ages, welcomed more than 1,200,000 visitors and supported contribution of more than 500 peer-reviewed research publications over the 54 years of operation. |
The John P. Craven Mentor Award is presented to an established MTS Mentor invoking the long and impactful career of John Pina Craven. This award is conferred upon an MTS member who has demonstrated outstanding and sustained service to the field of marine technology through mentorship.
Dr. Grace Saba: Grace Saba is an Associate Professor at Rutgers University who leads a research group within the Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences (DMCS) and serves as faculty in the Center for Ocean Observing Leadership (RUCOOL). Grace co-founded the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Acidification Network (MACAN). She co-leads the Ocean Health and Ecosystems Task Team for OceanGliders and serves as a member of the Habitat & Ecosystem Subcommittee for Regional Wildlife Science Collaborative for Offshore Wind. |
The Ocean News and Technology Early Career Ocean Professional Award is presented to an individual within 10 years of their last degree or designation, who has shown leadership in MTS, and who works in a professional capacity in management, engineering, or research and development in a marine technology field.
Cordielyn Goodrich: Cordie Goodrich is the Slocum Glider Technical Support and Field Operations Manager at Teledyne Webb Research. Prior to joining the TWR team in 2020, Cordie worked at the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences where she managed the Mid-Atlantic Glider Initiative and Collaboration (MAGIC) Lab. She received her bachelor of mathematics from Washington College and a master's degree in marine studies from University of Delaware. |
Awarded jointly by MTS and the Society for Underwater Technology, this award recognizes outstanding, sustained, international contribution to the development, application, and propagation of marine technology toward the advancement of ocean exploration.
Dr. Peter Girguis: Dr. Peter Girguis' prolific career is dedicated to increase understanding of the animals and microbes that thrive in the deep sea. His primary focus is to understand how marine organisms have adapted to their habitats and how they respond to a changing world. Within his research, his team made groundbreaking discoveries of previously unknown microbe communities, that 'eat' methane at unprecedented rates, keeping the greenhouse gas out of our atmosphere. |
Marine technology underpins the economy and environment of our ocean planet. The individuals receiving these awards have made substantial contributions to the advancement and advocacy of ocean science and technology. They embody a diverse set of talents and inspire the entire marine technology community. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to them and welcome their ongoing achievements.