Teledyne Podcast Episode 31​​​ Slocum Glider “Silbo" Circumnavigates the Atlantic Ocean – Part 1

Guest: Ben Allsup, Technical Support and Operations Manager – Slocum Glider, Teledyne Webb Research​
This episode begins a special four-part series on “Silbo", Teledyne Webb Research's autonomous underwater glider that recently made the first-ever circumnavigation of the Atlantic Ocean by an unmanned underwater vehicle. In this episode of Marine Tech Talk, we are joined by Ben Allsup, The Technical Support and Operations Manager for Teledyne Webb Research Slocum Glider. Ben discusses how Silbo got its name, the overall plan for the voyage, how the various ports were determined, and some of the very interesting challenges that the glider faced on its way from Cape Cod to Ireland!  
For more information on Slocum Gliders, visit at There is a press release on the website that also details the journey as well as a recorded webinar on the journey that can be found on our LINK Webinar channel. For more information on how Slocum gliders are helping researchers and commercial customers explore and understand the ocean, you can google Slocum Gliders or search Twitter for posts from our many customers.

MTS Nominations for 2021 Awards and Honors Deadline May 31


The Marine Technology Society is now accepting applications for the 2021 Awards and Honors program as well as nominations for MTS Fellow. The deadline for submissions is May 31, 2021.
This is your opportunity to help outstanding engineers, scientists, and technologists receive recognition for their accomplishments, dedication, and contributions to the marine industries.
Nominate a deserving colleague, professional committee, regional section, or student section for an award in one of 12 categories. We are also accepting nominations for the prestigious Marine Technology Fellows.

Scholarships Applications Due April 16

The Marine Technology Society is now accepting applications for scholarships to students attending full-time marine-related undergraduate and graduate programs. Applications are due April 16, 2021.

Eligibility Requirements:
  • Applicant must be an MTS member (student membershipscost $25 per year).
  • Applicant must be a full-time graduate or undergraduate student currently enrolled in a marine studies program.
  • Students who received a scholarship last year cannot apply for the same scholarship this year.

The NOAA Hydrographic Services Review Panel (HSRP) announces the 2022 Call for Nominations

The panel advises NOAA on operations and research issues related to navigation, hydrographic surveying, nautical charts, tides and currents, geodetic and geospatial data and measurements, Arctic priorities and coastal data and resilience. Applicants should have expertise in marine navigation, port administration, maritime shipping or other intermodal transportation industries, cartography and geographic information systems, geodesy, geospatial data, physical oceanography, coastal resource management, including coastal resilience and emergency response, or other science-related fields.

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NSF Funding Opportunity Letter of Intent Due May 5

The NSF Convergence Accelerator issued a new funding opportunity (NSF-21-572) focused on two research track topics; the Networked Blue Economy and Trust & Authenticity in Communication Systems. Submitters from academia, industry, non-profit, and other organizations are encouraged to submit proposals. Letter of Intent to be submitted by May 5, 2021 and the full proposal is due June 14, 2021. Informational webinars will be held in April about this opportunity. Webinar Registration:

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Energy Professionals Hiring Event

On April 7, join the Society of Petroleum Engineers for a Energy Professionals Gulf Coast Section Hiring event. The event is in partnership with Texas Workforce Solutions and will provide a platform for experienced upstream and energy professionals and industry companies to e-meet and create value for both sides. LEARN MORE HERE

President's Letter

Spring has officially begun, and it is time for you to Spring into Action! It is scholarship, awards and election season.

Deadlines coming up: MTS scholarship applications are due on April 15; ROV scholarships are due on April 17. Calling all college graduate, undergraduate, and senior high school students who have been accepted into full-time marine-related programs (with a focus on marine technology, marine engineering, or marine science) – MTS will award $17,000 in scholarships this year. Apply here.
Did you know that MTS has thirteen awards and a Fellows cadre? This is your opportunity to help outstanding engineers, scientists, and technologists receive recognition for their accomplishments, dedication, and contributions to the marine industries. The criteria for the awards vary, but in many cases the awardee does not need to be an MTS member. Award nominations are due on May 31, so let’s make it hard on our awards committees by submitting great candidates. Nomination forms can be found here.
We are always looking for folks to step up to a national role in MTS. This year we have two offices up for election. The first is the VP for Budget and Finance. Our current VP, Mike Pinto, is serving the final year of his second term and is not eligible to run again. The second position is our VP of Sections Affairs. Nominations are due on June 15.  
MTS has teamed up with The Ocean Exchange™ with a fabulous kick off to our Webinar Series - Engaging with the Blue Economy. The webinar series will focus on all facets of the Blue Economy with the goal of recognizing the importance of the Ocean to our lives every day. As one of our panelists put it – it promised on brain food and it delivered! If you missed the event, I encourage you to listen to the recording here
Thank you for the positive post webinar emails both MTS and the Ocean Exchange received. Here is one we would like to share from Barb Ryan, World Geospatial Industry Council. "First and foremost, Congratulations to Ocean Exchange on its 10-year Anniversary and on its perseverance. Secondly, appreciation is extended to the Marine Technology Society (MTS) for the partnership with Ocean Exchange. Coordination between and among organizations working in the Ocean domain (as well as the Atmospheric and Terrestrial domains) is absolutely essential if we have any hope of addressing the major environmental issues facing us today. Issues like climate change, disaster resilience, energy transition, public health, etc., all encompassed under a banner of sustainable development can only be addressed with better public-private partnerships and the will/intent to work together. Thank you for including WGIC in this important debate."
Don’t miss the next in the series – April 7, 2021 –Mobile Power Generation – Yi Chao, Seatrec; Carrie Schmaus, Water Power Technologies Office; and Robert Cavagaro, Pacific Northwestern National Lab. Register here
As we remain hopeful that 2021 will allow us to get back to some semblance of normalcy, our thoughts are with all our society members who have suffered losses both personally and professionally during the pandemic. Our conference teams both OTC, and OCEANS2021 continue to work towards having both in person and virtual events. For the latest news continue to check the MTS website for the latest information. My heartfelt thanks to the local organizing committees and professional conference organizers who are putting in the extra hours of planning and re-planning due to the pandemic. 
What does 675 mean to MTS? In 2020, we published 654 papers and held 21 webinars, & sessions with additional papers presented at Under Water Intervention. And we look forward to even more this year. Check out for the latest events and happenings.
We would like to welcome our new Corporate Members: NavSim Technology, Inc.; Pirie & Smith Limited; Seatrec, Inc.; and Saildrone, Inc. We look forward to working with you!
I am always happy to engage with our members. You can reach me by email at [email protected].
Best Regards,
Zdenka Willis
President, MTS

Engaging with the Blue Economy Webinar Series

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MTS Launches New Website

February 21, 2021

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United Nations Decade of Ocean Science Launches in the United States

February 22, 2021

January 2021 marks the beginning of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021 – 2030). The goal of the Decade is to unite ocean stakeholders worldwide behind a common framework to ensure sustainable use of ocean resources and reverse the cycle of decline in long-term ocean health. In a two-day virtual event, on February 3 and 4, the US National Committee for the Ocean Decade, chaired by MTS member Larry Mayer and vice chaired by MTS Past-President Rick Spinrad, kicked off the US activities by fostering engagement, dialog, and ideation around transformative research efforts. Over 800 individuals attended and more than eighty transformative concepts called “Ocean-Shots” were presented to address the challenges of the Decade.

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National Ocean Science Bowl Seeks Career Mentors & Volunteers

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Have you conducted innovative research that you’d like presented to a broader audience?

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Beginning March 1, 2021, the MTS Board of Directors will include a Vice President of ECOP. ECOP members are defined as “an individual who is within 10 years of their last professional degree and self-identified as an ECOP.” We would like to thank the talented candidates who ran for office.

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ECOP Section Now Open

MTS now offers a new Early Career Ocean Professional (ECOP) membership category. ECOP members are defined as “an individual who is within 10 years of their last professional degree and self-identified as an ECOP.” This membership ($50) will come with all the rights and privileges of Society membership. Contact Josh Baghdady for more information on how to join or visit

Seastate Podcast - Donald Massa and Dawn Massa Stancavish Discuss Electroacoustics

Seastate Podcast - Donald Massa and Dawn Massa Stancavish Discuss Electroacoustics

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Teledyne Podcast - Brian Bradley Talks about the Benefits of Hands On Training

Teledyne Podcast - Brian Bradley Talks about the Benefits of Hands On Training

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MTS Now Accepting Applications for Student Scholarship Program

MTS Now Accepting Applications for Student Scholarship Program

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MTS Now Accepting Nominations

MTS Now Accepting Nominations

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NOAA Hydrographic Services Review Panel 2022 Call for Nominations

The NOAA Hydrographic Services Review Panel (HSRP) announces the 2022 Call for Nominations.

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UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainability

Getting involved in the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainability

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