Inaugural EMERGE Program Hits the Ground Running

OCEANS 2022 Hampton Roads saw the inaugural offering of the MTS EMERGE Program, which supports both undergraduate and graduate students as well as early-career ocean professionals (ECOPs). At the event, participants were paired with an experienced mentor to guide them throughout the conference and help expand their professional networks. 

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November Executive Director's Message

As we continue to move forward from the past two years of global health, economic, and political instability, MTS is striving to strengthen our organization, enrich the quality of services we provide to our community, and enhance the network connections that bring the marine technology ecosystem closer together.

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October Dynamic Positioning Workshop and Conference

The 2022 Dynamic Positioning Workshop and Conference was held in Houston, TX, October 10 – 12. The Committee was glad to be back in-person following the gap mandated by the pandemic and pleased to see many familiar faces as well as some new folks in attendance.

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Member Spotlight: Sea-Bird Scientific

Among the world’s largest developers and manufacturers of products that measure salinity, temperature, pressure, dissolved oxygen, fluorescence, nutrients, and other parameters, Sea-Bird Scientific is committed to making instruments that scientists can trust. Dedication to accuracy and quality, two factors upon which research and policy decisions rely, ensures their instruments deliver reliable measurements and stand up to some of the harshest conditions on the planet. 

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MTS Brings Startups to the International Table

As the Blue Economy expands, MTS leadership continues to seek opportunities to open doors for members. Beyond large gatherings like this month’s successful OCEANS 2022 Hampton Roads conference, targeted opportunities are used to highlight the value MTS and its members deliver. 

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October President's Message

MTS has been picking up momentum since OCEANS 2021 in San Diego, and we are now full steam ahead. With record participation at Oceans in Action, MTS Symposium DC, Buoy Conference, and Lakebed 2030, the vibe at OCEANS 2022 Hampton Roads was overwhelmingly positive! For this Navy gal, the conference was a wonderful reunion with so many shipmates. Heartfelt appreciation to Ray Toll, Laura Rogers, Dan Sternlicht, and the entire local organizing committee. Thank you to MCI-USA, Veraprise, and our sponsors, patrons, exhibitors, and attendees. 

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MTS Election Results

MTS Board of Directors Election Results

The Marine Technology Society would like to congratulate the following individuals who will begin their term on the Board of Directors January 1, 2023.

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MTS India Section - Nanda Student Innovation Award

Marine Technology Society's India Section is pleased to announce the call for nominations for the second MTS NANDA STUDENT INNOVATION AWARD for 2023. 

Our beloved Late Mr. K. Nandakumar, Founder & Secretary of the MTS India section had been thriving to develop newer affordable technology and motivated students from schools /colleges to become involved in marine technology. To continue his dream, the MTS India section has proposed the annual MTS Nanda Student Innovation Award an Honorary and Respect towards his vision/mission and is also approved by MTS HQ.

The basic aim is to develop skills and conceptual thoughts for the career development of students and continue to engage them with MTS. This award envisages young talented youth to develop ideas into products that could be either hardware or software. This award will be for college students (UG and PG) to motivate in prototype development.

About MTS Nanda Student Innovation Award
  • Two awards (UG/PG) - Rs 20000 each (If found suitable both awards can be given to UG or PG Projects and decision of Jury is final)
  • Possible internship at Elektronik Lab India Pvt Ltd, Chennai
  • One year fee for student membership for MTS (USD 25).

Who is Eligible?

Indian students are eligible to apply, who are undergoing UG and PG programs from Engineering Colleges, with the guidance of faculty mentors working at Engineering Institutions. Project duration period of maximum of 6 months will be given.

Detailed Abstract of the project in 3 to 5 pages in MS Word format is to be sent to [email protected]. The detailed abstract should contain the following:

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Highlights: MTS Technology Forum & MTS/Oceaneering Symposium

The MTS/Oceaneering Symposium returned for its 30th anniversary on September 15. The symposium serves as a kickoff for the MTS Washington DC Section's year ahead and is a signature event for the entire Capital Region maritime community. 

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September Executive Director's Message

OCEANS 2022 in Hampton Roads, Virginia, is just a few weeks away and the MTS community is buzzing with excitement. OCEANS is a perennially impactful event, and this year promises to be as energetic and exciting as ever. Building on the success of our in-person and virtual programming at OCEANS 2021, we again look forward to welcoming remote and on-site participation from our members, exhibitors, and the broader marine technology community!

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Summary: MTS Bioinspired Marine Systems Committee Meeting on Sensing and Hydrodynamic Performance of Underwater Swimmers

On September 9, scientists from a wide variety of STEM fields converged at the George Mason University Potomac Science Center for a one-day conference of the MTS Bioinspired Marine Systems Committee, sponsored by MTS and the George Mason University Department of Physics and Astronomy. 

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2022 Captain Don Walsh Award for Ocean Exploration


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Dialogues with Industry Forum

Dialogues with Industry: How can industry, science and government together advance ocean observing for 2030?

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Member Spotlight - Terradepth

Now in its fourth year of operation, MTS member Terradepth aims to enhance humanity’s interaction with the ocean, support maritime operations across key sectors, and advance both scientific insight and the sustainable future of our planet. 

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August President's Message

Have you voted? I have! Voting for our next President Elect; Vice President for Early Career Ocean Professionals; Vice President for Government and Public Affairs; and Vice President of Education is open through 5:00 p.m. EST on October 18, 2022. This is your opportunity to shape the future of MTS.   

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OCEANS 2022 Hampton Roads is on the Horizon

OCEANS 2022 Hampton Roads is on the Horizon
Ray Toll, OCEANS 2022 Hampton Roads Co-Chair

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MTS India Section Welcomes 10th Student Section

On August 25, MTS's India Section celebrated the inauguration of its newest student section, Sri SaiRam Engineering College in Chennai. This induction marks the 10th MTS student section in India and serves as a testament to the strength of our India Section. We want to especially recognize the leadership of Dr. R. Venkatesan. In his role as chairman for MTS's India Section, Venkat has worked to bridge the gap between academia and industry.

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July Executive Director's Message

When MTS was launched in 1963, the founders set up a system of geographical sections and topical committees for members to self-select into. One can imagine they saw this structure as a mechanism to coalesce the diverse and growing membership around areas of interest—to support the small group interactions and conversation needed to move the landscape of marine technology forward.

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June President's Message

Message from MTS President

As I write this note, the world has converged in Lisbon, Portugal for the UN Ocean Conference. Co-hosted by the Governments of Kenya and Portugal, it is an important event that highlights the importance of the world coming together for global ocean action. MTS has published its second UN Decade focused UN Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development which is open access – check it out on the MTS website.

Let me start by echoing Chris’, MTS Executive Director, congratulations for Past President Drew Michel’s OTC Distinguished Achievement Award. A well-deserved honor! Thank you to our MTS Houston section for all their efforts at OTC. It was great to see many folks in person and we look forward to next year as OTC rebounds to pre-pandemic levels.

Earlier this month Chris, Jim Hanlon (VP Industry, Technology and Research and Halifax local) and Justin Manley (President Elect) represented MTS at the H2O Conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Including 600+ delegates from more than two dozen nations, the conference highlights the growing and vibrant Canadian marine technology ecosystem and explores cross-cutting technology topics of key interest to the community, including offshore energy, environmental monitoring, and marine transportation. The Ocean Technology Council of Nova Scotia (OTCNS) hosts the annual event; MTS and IEEE/OES are working closely with OTCNS leadership to explore a partnership in the fall of 2024 when OCEANS returns to Halifax.

The marine technology ecosystem in Halifax continues to deliver impact across Atlantic Canada and beyond; anchored by the Centre for Ocean Ventures and Entrepreneurship (COVE), Canada’s Ocean Supercluster, Dalhousie University, and dozens of companies and non-governmental organizations. MTS members in the region have taken the initial steps to re-activate the Halifax section and we are excited to see the groundswell of interest, from students, early career ocean professionals, and established members of the field in supporting the marine technology ecosystem in Nova Scotia.

Since my last column I would like to welcome the 100+ new students, individuals, and ECOPs from Oceans in Action and OCEANS in Chennai. Also welcome aboard to our new business members:

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MTS India Sponsors ROV Challenge at Aligarh Muslim University


Team ‘PLUZ ULTRAZ’ from Bannari Amman Institute of Technology and ‘Team Hustlers’ from the Zakir Husain College of Engineering and Technology (ZHCET), Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) were declared the joint winners of the ‘Aligarh Muslim University Remotely Operated Vehicles Challenge’ AMUROVc, a national level underwater robotics challenge, an event of Marine Technology Society and Aligarh Muslim University, which was organized by the MTS AUV-ZHCET student section in collaboration with IEEE Student Branch of AMU.

They received certificates and cash prizes of Rs 20, 000 each from Prof. Pervez Mustajab, Dean, Faculty of Engg. & Tech. One-year free MTS student membership will also be given to five members of the winning teams from MTS India Section. Siddhant Vajpayee (Founder and CEO of Andromeidia), Anuj Batra (Co-founder, Andromeidia), Thomas (Chief Robotics Engineer, Andromeidia) and Dr Azhar Jamil (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, AMU) were the judges of the competition.  Members of the Team ‘BIT-MAL-ROV’ from Bannari Amman Institute of Technology collected a cash prize of Rs 10, 000 and a certificate for finishing second in the contest.  Team DTU AUV (Delhi Technological University, Delhi) was awarded by Andromeidia Wonder Sub award for being the most technically equipped vehicle.