It was MTS' Immediate Past President, Zdenka Willis' great pleasure to participate in the MTS TechSurge 2023 - AI for the OCEANS and AIRO-2K23. The MTS TechSurge marked the 175th event for the MTS India section since its inception in 2015 - an amazing accomplishment and much of the efforts focused on motivating and supporting students.
Commemorating MTS India Section's 175th Event Celebration
The AI For The OCEANS TechSurge was jointly organized by the MTS India Section in association with ASCE SRM Student Chapter & Norinco India Pvt Ltd. The event was held on February 4, 2023 in SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Tamilnadu, India. There were over 200 participants from different institutions and 110 registrations for poster presentations for the event. The program started with an introductory speech by Dr. R. Venkatesan, Founder Chairman, MTS India Section highlighting the activities of the society and awards won by the society. The programme was inaugurated by Ms.Zdenka Willis, the Immediate Past President of the Marine Technology Society. This was followed by the keynote address by Dr. T.V Gopal, Dean(CET), SRMIST.
Each event begins with the Torch Lighting by the Dignitaries
Zdenka was pleased to present in person the Sairam Engineering College, Bangalore for the Outstanding student section award 2022 and Dr.J.Preetha Roselyn for John P Craven Mentor Award 2022. We also presented the MTS Nanda awards were presented in the undergraduate and post graduate category. These prizes are accompanied with cash prizes, certificates and a trophy.
Presentation of one of the MTS Nanda Student Awards - Undergraduate
The technical talk started with Ms. Zdenka Willis, Immediate Past President, MTS on the topic “ UNESCO IOC GOOS MTS-NOAA Industry Dialogue” followed by a technical talk on “Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for underwater inspection and exploration in Planys” by Mr.Subhra S Sarkar. Dr Abhilash, IIT Madras enlightened the audience on the topic “AI-Marine autonomy” followed by Dr.Susir Kumar Dash, NCCR on the topic “Artificial intelligence on coastal science”. The SRMIST students demonstrated their prototypes before the audience and delegates. Mr.Laijin from Saipem provided the technical talk on “Offshore Infrastructure” followed by Dr.Deb Singh Deo from Mathworks technical talk on “Accelerating AI applications with MATLAB and Simulink”. Dr.P.Varalakshmi, MIT, Chennai provided his talk on “Applying AI technology in Ocean” followed by a panel discussion on the student career forum by Mr. A.K.Chetty-Norinco, Mr. Saravanan-L&T and Ms Hema. During the valedictory session, the poster winners are awarded and Mr Pradeep reported the detailed programme of this event.
Presenting Dr. J, Preetha Roselyn her John C. Craven Award
The day before the MTS TECHSURGE, the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Sri Sairam Engineering College in association with the MTS organized its 1ST INTERNATIONAL LEVEL SYMPOSIUM, AIRO 2.0 on 3rd February 2023. The symposium gave participants the chance to share their knowledge, concepts, innovations, and problem-solving strategies while presenting original research on all facets of new scientific approaches for technologies, computational processes, software, and hardware solutions pertaining to particular scientific fields.
Ms. Zdenka Willis, Immediate Past President MTS with Dr. Swagata Sarkar, Professor and Head of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Sir Sairam Engineering College.
The Symposium consisted of two technical events and two non-technical events were conducted where student scholars from different parts of the country participated in competitions that showcased their ideas and talents in their respective domains. AIRO 2.0 begins with the opening note by Dr. Swagata Sarkar, Head of the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. Dr.J.Raja, Dean of Academics delivered the welcome address.
Zdenka enlightened the participants about the need for technology in the field of marine and Dr. R Venkatesan highlighted the activities of MTS. Dr. B Shadaksharappa, Principal, Sri Sairam College of Engineering, Bengaluru, Karnataka delivered the Presidential address. The Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Department of Sri Sairam Engineering College launched their ChatBOT robot and application, a virtual assistant designed to assist students and applications with the administration process for educational institutions. The AI and Data Science Department’s effort support two of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), Goal 4 – Quality Education and Goal 9 – Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure. To commemorate this effort we pledged our support by signing the campaign banners. There were more 300 participants get benefitted from the events organized.
After the morning talks, Zdenka had a chance to with the students and learn about their ambitions and talk this them about career planning. Another highlight of the day was touring the incubator lab where start-ups were engaged in work from making better engines to improvements on crop growth to understanding flooding levels post storms. After the TechSurge, Zdenka had a chance to visit Planys, India’s first underwater robotics company. This company grew out of the Office of Naval Research’s Robo-sub competition. Planys is focused on pipeline, infrastructure, and tank surveys with innovative ideas on sensors that can determine issues with concrete.
These events do not happen without a lot of hard work and planning. MTS thanks the MTS TechSurge 2023 organizers: Dr. R. Venkatesan, Mr. V.S. Rajaraman, Mr. D. Sivakumar, Dr. J. Preetha Rosely, Mr. S Paradeep, Dr. B Shadaksharappa, Dr. B Swagata Sarka, Dr. Muthevel, Dr. Selvamuthukumaran, Dr. Monika Agarwal, Dr. Manjula. A special thanks to Dr. Swagata Sarkar and her entire team for AIRO 2.0. We would also like to thank SRM, and SAIRAM Engineering College for their in-kind support. A big thanks to our sponsor Norinco India PVT LTD. Of course a shout-out to all of the students who planned and attended this event – we appreciate your innovation and motivation.